...since i blogged!
i'm not the most organised person, and i dont leave very much time in my budget for advertising and connecting with my followers, except for updating my facebook page
i very rarely tweet either, it's just never really grasped me
i've been thinking of turning this blog into a more general me blog, instead of just button it, i'll post my thoughts on things, places i've been and things i've seen, not just buttons!
and first thought of all is........ s**t its gonna be christmas soon!
its sneaking up on me rather quickly, and i dont like it!
that might explain why i'm still up at half 2 on a sunday night, not able to sleep
or it might be something to do with a long lie in this morning, and an afternoon nap after i'd finished off some scarves and crocheted lots of poppies!
hopefully i'll be able to sleep now i've just brain-dumped, and written my to-do list for tomorrow!
lots of orders to send out before i go to work at 1pm....... man i love working afternoons!